Cold Wraps

Individually Packaged

Choose between our 4 options. Each comes with a cookie, chips & salsa and sauce on the side. 

  • Southwest Chicken Wrap with Poblano Crema Sauce
  • Spicy Chicken Wrap with Chili Lime sauce
  • Chicken, Bacon and Guac Wrap with Chipotle Ranch
  • Veggie Wrap with Moe's sauce


Minimum order quantity of 10 for each type of wrap. When making your selection from the following four options, you must order a minimum of 10 of the same type. 

Cold Wraps

Discover our group-friendly cold wrap option, each available in boxes of 24 wraps, or you can select the assorted box for a delectable variety of 6 wraps from each flavor. Every box includes a side of chips and salsa and sauces served separately.

Southwest Chicken Wrap with Poblano Crema Sauce
Spicy Chicken Wrap with Chili Lime Sauce
Chicken, Bacon, and Guac Wrap with Chipotle Ranch
Veggie Wrap with Moe's Sauce

Enjoy the convenience and flavors of Moe's with choices that cater to your group's preferences.



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